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CRE de Laval conducted several great projects related to natural environments and wetlands; discover them here!

Current project


Control of alien invasive species

Starting this year (2021), CRE de Laval is carrying out a surveillance and, possibly, the control of alien invasive plant species.




Completed projects


Identification of grasslands of interest

This study aimed to identify grasslands of interest on Laval territory, the eventual goal being to protect them.



Protection of Trait-Carré woodland

CRE de Laval and Les Amis du Boisé du Souvenir wrote a report that consists of a very first characterization of Trait-Carré Woodland - there is also an evaluation of some impacts of urbanization, such as the decline of canopy and heat islands.


Banks and shorelines quality index assessment

As part of its agreement with the City of Laval, CRE de Laval assesses since 2019 the quality index of banks and shorelines as well as the Erosion susceptibility index.



Urban streams project (Projet Ruisseaux urbains)

The urban streams project began in 2013. The goal was to assess urbanization impacts on streams and their ecological communities.



Acquisition of the Mitan archipelago

In October 2004, we announced that the Mitan archipelago had been acquired with the financial contribution of the City of Laval and the Ministry of the Environment of Quebec. We then initiated recognition processes to ensure the archipelago would be considered a protected area.


Wetlands survey

Between 2001 and 2020, different surveys were conducted by CRE de Laval, in collaboration with the City of Laval.



« Nos survivants: les arbres remarquables de Laval », a book by Suzanne Hardy

CRE de Laval launched ‘’Nos survivants’’ during the Conférence canadienne sur la forêt urbaine (Canadian conference on urban forests) between September 26th and 29th of 2016.



Natural environmentsWetlands
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