Between 2001 and 2012, CRE de Laval has done periodical surveying of wetlands in order to describe the ecological distribution across Laval’s white area (area where industrial, residential and commercial development is allowed). These inventories were done both by our initiative and through contracts with the City of Laval and revealed that there were 353 hectares of wetland in the white area in 2004. These wetlands were of variable shapes, sizes, types, ecology and accounted for 1% of the territory. In 2010, CRE de Laval demonstrated that 41% of those wetlands had been altered or destroyed due to backfilling or drainage. This translates into a net loss of 50 hectares and the alteration of 55 hectares of wetlands.
In 2014, CRE de Laval revisited the 287 wetlands it had been assessing as of 2004, located in the white area to record an update of their ecological characteristics. A team of biologists visited each and every one of these wetlands to validate their presence, absence, integrity and characteristics on their fauna and flora. Forteen wetlands were not surveyed as 13 were destroyed and one was inaccessible. You can read the report (in French) down below.
Between 2016 and 2021, CRE de Laval was mandated by the City of Laval to delimit the boundaries and conduct ecological inventories in over 100 wetlands on Jesus island, except for those that are located on islands. The different vegetal layers were characterized, as well as soils, and an evaluation of the ecological functions fulfilled by each environment was also done. The presence of fauna was also noted, but since it does not represent a major aspect of this project, it could have been well under-estimated.
This project served to update a detailed map of Laval wetlands and to establir the issues those ecosystems are facing on our territory, as well as the restoration opportunities for many of them. Such data will be useful for the development of the Regional wetlands and water environments plan (''PRMHH'') that the City must submit by June 2022 and that will allow to identify wetlands to conserve on private lands, while also establishing an action plan for their conservation and restoration.
Publications (in French)
2014. État de la situation des milieux humides ciblés en zone blanche en 2014, 55 pages.
2012. Bilan de la situation des milieux humides de Laval, 12 pages.
2010. Bilan de la situation des milieux humides de Laval, 7 pages.
May 20, 2020 – Press release - 8,48 hectares de milieux humides ont disparu à Laval – La stratégie du ministère de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques ne fonctionne pas
February 12, 2019 – Article by Courrier Laval – Milieux humides : hypocrisie ministérielle dénoncée
December 12, 2016 –
March 10, 2016 –