3235 blvd. St-Martin East,
Offices 208-209
Laval, Quebec - H7E 5G8
Vincent Leclair, president, is one of the board members of CRE de Laval since June 2019. He is the general secretary of the Conseil régional FTQ Montréal métropolitain (‘Montreal metropolitain FTQ regional council’) as of June 2016. He was reelected in June 2019 for a three year mandate. As a proud Laval citizen, he is an involved union activist working to advocate and enforce the rights of workers while advocating for unionism based on social transformation. He is also a member of the board of Conseil régional des partenaires du marché du travail de Laval (‘Laval’s regional council of market partners’) as of 2018. The Montreal metropolitan FTQ regional council is environmentally active and wishes to contribute to a fair energy transition.
François Bilodeau, secretary-treasurer, is a board member of CRE de Laval since June 2023. He holds a Masters in organic chemistry from the University of Sherbrooke, as well as a Masters in public administration from the National Academy of Public Administration. During his career, he held for 12 years various positions in pharmaceutical research and he worked in the business environment as the managing director of a Laval SME. After some time spent at Mitacs, he was appointed managing director of Laval Innov, an organization that aims to promote sustainable innovation. He was also, for over 10 years, vice-president of a citizen organization devoted to the protection of Laval's natural environments.
Georges Schneller, administrator, sits on the board of directors of CRE de Laval since June 2023. He holds a bachelor's degree in marketing from Concordia University and specializes in socially sustainable brand management. For several years now on various board of directors of Laval organizations, he represents Laval en transition, for which he is a member since 2019. Besides, he sits on the coalition of the Laval ZéN Collectivity since 2022.
Motivated by positive behaviour changes related to eco-responsibility, he is also one of the instigators of the Association Mobilité Active Laval as well as an active member of the network of the Gardiens et Gardiennes du Vivant.
Alain Gadbois, administrator delegated by the Centre d’interprétation de l’eau (C.I.EAU) since September 2023, is a civil engineer and holds a Master in water treatment. Since 1996, he is the vice-president of Veolia Water Technologies Canada where he supervises the conception of water treatment processes. He taught at 4 Quebec universities. He is the president of the board of directors of the Centre des Technologies de l’Eau (Cteau) affiliated to the St. Laurent College and of the C.I.EAU as well. He lived about 25 years in Laval.
Anaïs Boutin, vice-president, has been sitting on the board of directors of CRE de Laval since February 2012. She holds a Master’s degree in biology and works on the rehabilitation of threatened species and habitat conservation. Director of protection and conservation programs for Eco-Nature as of 2008, she focuses on projects aiming to restore and protect the habitats along the Mille-Iles River, with the help of involved citizens and the contribution of strong partnerships.
Anaëlle Caplain, administrator, holds an engineering degree in water-energy-environment. She is interested in the inclusion of all communities in the models that we build for tomorrow, as well as in clean technologies.
Her vision of the socio-ecological transition? « First, a personal self-examination on our lifestyles, our old habits, but also our state of mind towards needed changes. I see those changes as positive benefits, not as necessary sacrifices. Then, group energy, where each person contaminates their neighbour with ideas, actions and determination! It is only through strength of number that we will be able, I think, to move forward in the set out path.»
Anaëlle has significant experience with NPOs, in the field of scientific research, particularly regarding water treatment.
Ian Sabourin-Somers, administrator, is first and foremost an involved citizen. With a Bachelor's degree in Geological Engineering and a Master's in Power Engineering, Ian uses his knowledge to the benefit of environmental and social causes throughout the province. Technical advisor for Écohabitation, involved citizen for Vigile 1000 îles and for the Coalition Mobilisations Citoyennes Environnementales de Laval, he believes that citizen commitment is a force for positive change and that information is the key to success. As he likes to say: « Change towards a better world begins with each individual. If we do nothing, we let others decide for us and we suffer the consequences! »
Luc Falardeau, administrator, holds a Master in Civil Engineering with a specialization in environment. He worked as an engineer in municipal and industrial infrastructures and as a scientific instrumentation adviser. Luc is very involved in his community, notably in the citizen movement regarding the risks posed by hydrocarbons on general safety and the environment. He has been an advocate for the past 10 years in highlighting environmental concerns in Laval's east end. His goal is to promote the dissemination of information as well as a greater citizen participation for the protection of natural environments, for the energy transition and for a harmonious urban development.