In 2017, CRE de Laval was mandated by the City of Laval to conduct awareness-raising activities related to eco-citizenship at the Centre de la nature. The suggested activities are the presentation of workshops about insects that are beneficial to gardens to kids in day camps, the establishment of information booths and the achievement of guided visits of the Environmental stop of the Centre.
The animations of the Environmental stop and the information booths were organized every Saturday at the Nature Centre (when the weather was not permitting, they were postponed to the following day). They educated citizens regarding alternative and ecological ways in land use planning and yard maintenance as well as urban biodiversity. Many great issues and services offered by the City of Laval were therefore explored, such as:
- backyard composting;
- green roofs;
- rainwater barrels;
- urban agriculture;
- plant walls;
- ecological maintenance of lawns;
- ''insect hotels'';
- urban hives.
About the environmental stop...
The environmental stop is located at the very center of the Centre de la nature, an urban park that welcomes close to 400 000 visitors every year! This green space is in the St.-Vincent-de-Paul neighborhood, in Laval.
The Stop showcases many different eco-friendly configurations such as a green roof, a plant wall and gardens in trays. In 2017, the site also got two hives and an ''insect hotel''.
Find out more about the Environmental stop
- Centre de la nature's website (in French)
- Centre de la nature's Facebook page (in French)
- Activities schedule (in French)