On September 20, 2019, Front commun pour la transition énergétique launched « Québec ZéN » (Zero net emissions), a social dialogue initiative aiming to accelerate the transition towards tomorrow's carboneutral society, fairer and more resilient on all levels (environmental, social and economic).
The first phase of this project resulted in a wide consultation that welcomed the diversity of the scientific knowledge, political sensitivities and analysis perspectives related to the socio-ecological transition. This phase was concluded with the adoption of an exhaustive and consensual roadmap for Quebec's transition towards carboneutrality.
The second phase of Québec ZéN, titled « Collectivités ZéN » (Zero net emissions collectivities), is a unifying, structuring project on a large scale that marks the transition to climate action. Collectivités ZéN aims to draw on established orientations during the first phase and in the upcoming scientific advances to support the building of « zero net emissions » communities, more resilient and fairer in the diverse regions of Quebec, according to a diversified and participative commitment model.
« Laval ZéN »
The main objective of Laval ZéN is to execute a turn towards a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and an environmental, social and economical resilience by putting together available resources on the territory. To do so, « Laval ZéN » wishes to:
Bring stakeholders of all disciplines together (economy, municipalities, agriculture, community sector, etc.) around a concertation table;
Launch publicly the Laval ZéN and moderate its development;
Complete a 360o diagnosis of the collectivity - meaning a global diagnosis including the environmental, social and economical factors;
Establish a local roadmap of « Laval ZéN »: a shared vision, choosing the pathways to get there and agreeing on an implementation plan;
Guide collective, organisational and individual stakeholders in their approaches towards carboneutrality and resilience, with the use of adapted tools;
Take part in the achievement of local activities during the Semaines d’action ZéN (Zero net emissions action weeks).
To make sure you don't miss anything, go like the Facebook page of Laval ZéN.