Industries, businesses and institutions (called ICI's below after the French diminutive) have so much waste exploitation potential. They generate 40% of the total waste. Every year, the recycling proportion increases, but more than half of the waste keeps getting sent to landfills (data from Projet du plan métropolitain de gestion des matières résiduelles 2015-2020).
In Quebec, recycling in industries, businesses and institutions is voluntary since there is currently no regulation that forces any owner to sort, recycle or compost its waste. Therefore, it is crucial to include and inform business owners on how they can participate into a more responsible waste management system and reach the objectives set by the Politique Québécoise sur la gestion des matières résiduelles.
How to find a good salvage dealer...
1. Index of salvage dealers, recycling and recovering initiatives:
Take a look at the informative sheets on selective collection products (in French)
For more information about services offered by the municipality of Laval to ICI's, go to the City of Laval's website as well as Laval's Green pages website (in French).
2. Waste targeted by the enlarged responsibility of producers
Because of the Règlement sur la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP), businesses must take responsibility for the end of life of certain items they put on the market. They must therefore start a recycling or recovering plan or be a member of a recognized organisation that does so. There are five categories of products that are under the REP: electronics, batteries, mercury lamps, paints and oils and antifreeze including their containers and filters.
Business owners as well as citizens can drop off these products for free at any official drop-off points. Businesses can also have access to a free pick up service under certain conditions. For more information, see the links listed below.
1. Electronics
Electronic product recycling association (EPRA - Quebec)
2. Batteries
3. Mercury lamps
4. Paints and their containers
5.Oils, cooling agents, antifreeze, filters, containers and related items
Société de gestion des huiles usagées
For waste management equipments...
Here you will find a series of pictograms (French-written) useful for your containers and bins to improve the signalling and efficiency of your waste collection programs.
Launched by Recyc-Québec, this program (in French) aims to acknowledge industries, businesses, and institutions that actively work to improve their waste management policies and methods and therefore help create a more sustainable environment.
Services offered by the municipality of Laval to ICI'S...
Check out the City of Laval's website as well as the Green pages of Laval's website.
Tools and useful references
Waste management at work (in French)
City of Laval’s waste management initiatives for industries, businesses and institutions