
« Québec Terre d'Asphalte »: a documentary not to be missed!

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Filmed during the summer of 2020, « Québec Terre d'Asphalte », written by Nicolas Mesly and produced by Hélène Choquette will be broadcasted on Saturday, October 16 at 10:00 PM on Radio-Canada as part of the Doc Humanité show (French version only).

This is a hard-hitting documentary that will be dedicated to the urban spread phenomenon in Quebec. The loss of our valuable agricultural lands under layers and layers of asphalt will be discussed, in an era when food autonomy is a priority issue. Guy Garand, CRE de Laval's former managing director, also makes an appearance - you can even spot him in the trailer!
A rebroadcast is also expected on ICI TOU.TV.
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