The metropolitan area of Montreal should have its own Urban national park, just like the one in Toronto.
The Conseils régionaux de l’environnement (CRE) of Montreal, Laval and Laurentides announced in November 2017, with the Chaire en paysage et environnement de l’Université de Montréal (CPEUM) and the UNESCO Chair in Urban Landscape of the University of Montreal, the beginning of a collaboration aiming for the implementation of a National urban park on the territory of the Metropolitan community of Montreal (MCM).
The MCM, in the context of its Metropolitan plan of management and development, gave itself back in 2012 two very clear goals regarding natural environments on its territory: 17% of protected areas and 30% of wooded areas. To reach these goals, we must have enough means and a great urban park would most certainly contribute to that. Thrilled by the new Rouge National Urban Park in Toronto, organizations do wish that the Quebec metropolis will feel inspired by this magnificent society project and start working to establish such a park.
You may see again the online conference about the Rouge National Urban Park, organized by CRE Montreal with Omar McDadi and Jeffrey Sinibaldi, representants of Parks Canada.