Défi Climat is the most widespread awareness-raising and mobilizing campaign fighting against climate change. The initiative was launched in 2008 by the Conseil régional de l’environnement de Montréal and partners including the Regional conference of elected officers of Montreal and Equiterre. This important project aims to inform citizens on climate change impacts and how they can mitigate their greenhouse gas emissions.
All CRE's joined the team!
In 2010, the Regroupement national des conseils régionaux de l’environnement du Québec (RNCREQ) and all 16 CRE's of Quebec, including CRE de Laval, joined in. The project also targets businesses and other instances. Between the months of May and June, up until 2012, alternative life habits and commuting options are proposed for everyone, from home to business owners to stress the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The Monique-Fitz-Back Foundation made it possible for schools to join this collective effort and project by adapting the campaign for elementary and high school students.
And in Laval?
In Laval, the first campaign was a clear success; 3 347 signed up and together prevented the emission of 4 441 tons of carbon dioxide. This impressive score made Laval one of the top players in Quebec. Each year, more than 100 regional organizations collaborated with CRE de Laval to reduce the equivalent of several thousands of carbon dioxide tons otherwise emitted. Examples of such carbon saving initiatives are home composting, active commuting and recreational activities with low carbon emissions (snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, etc). Over several years and through many different ways, actions of students, businesses, citizens and organisations have fought together against climate change.
Why stop?
The last edition of Défi Climat occurred in 2012. Nevertheless, CRE de Laval encourages everyone to keep up the good work, or initiate a change in their surroundings, in order to fight climate change. We hope to see the comeback of Défi Climat all around Québec soon enough!