
The ''Collectivités ZéN'' project kicks off!

News - Intro image

On  Monday May, 12 2021, the online launching of the Collectivités ZéN (Zéro émission nette) project took place. Let's do the ecological transition. Now. A door towards great changes has been opened.

During the public launching of the Collectivités ZéN (zéro émission nette) project by Front commun pour la transition énergétique, the 4 first regions involved were presented - including Laval ZéN! We will be lucky enough to have Laval en transition by our side as our partner.


The other regions are as follows with their project names : ClimAction Lachine, Chantier ZéN de la région de Québec and Grand dialogue régional pour la transition socio-écologique du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.


In Laval, citizens, administrations and organizations will cooperate to find solutions against the climate crisis. Discussions will be facilitated through this collaborative initiative! Discover more in this inspiring video (in French).


About the project

Collectivités ZéN is a great society project that aims to gather key actors of all business sectors, in participating collectivities, around an inclusive approach for the transition, created by and for the territory, with the proactive support of the Front commun pour la transition énergétique as well as a strong network of national partners.


This unique project was made possible thanks to the mutual efforts by national and territorial socio-economical actors that had not been yet united to face the transition challenge but have complementary expertise for the success of the transition.


Publications (in French)

May 27, 2021 - Article by Courrier Laval - Front commun pour un Laval post-carbone.



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